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R1GD Remote Controller for kids car and jeep


HH-1708K-2.4G-12V Receiver Circuit Board Children’s Remote Control Accessories


27M Children car Circuit Controller Motherboard with remote for 12 volt ride on car

27M Children car Circuit Controller Motherboard with remote for 12 volt ride on car

27M Children car Circuit Controller Motherboard with remote for 12 volt ride on car. This innovative product is designed to provide a safe and secure ride for your children. It features a circuit controller motherboard with a remote control for easy operation. The remote control allows you to control the speed and direction of the car, as well as the lights and sound effects.

The circuit controller motherboard is designed to be durable and reliable, ensuring your child’s safety. It also features a built-in safety system that will automatically shut off the car if it detects any potential danger. This product is perfect for any child who loves to ride in style.

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